Ali (AS) The First Imam
(AS) The Second Imam.
Imam Hussain Ibn Ali (AS) the third Imam.
The fourth Imam Ali Ibn el Hussain, Zainul Abedeen
The fifth Imam Muhammed Ibn Ali el-Baqir(AS)
The sixth Imam, Jaafar Ibn Muhammad el-Sadiq(AS)
The Seventh
Imam Musa Ibn Jaafar Al-Kazim. A.S.
The eighth Imam Ali Ibn Musa, Al-Reza(AS)
The Ninth Imam Muhammad ibn Ali al taqi
al Jawad (AS)
The Tenth Imam Ali Ibn Muhammad (Al-Naqi, Al-Hadi) (AS)
The Eleventh Imam Hasan ibn Ali (al-
Twelfth Imam Muhammad ibn al-Hasan (Al-Mahdi-Sahibuz Zaman) AS
To understand the significance and
importance of his place of birth, it is essential to know a little of the history of Kaaba.
The first House of God was rebuilt
and renovated at the command of Allah by the Prophet Abraham assisted by his worthy successor, his son Ismail, under the supervision
and guidance of the angel Gabriel.
The verses of the Qur'an say:
"And remember when Abraham raised
the foundation of the House with Ismail (praying) Our Lord accept (this service) from us; verily Thou and Thou (alone) art
the All-hearing and the All-knowing". (2:127)
"And remember when We made the House
a resort for mankind and a sanctuary (saying), take ye the station of Abraham a place of prayer (for you); and covenanted
with Abraham and Ismail (saying), purify ye two My House for those who make the circuit, and for those who prostrate (adoring)."
These verses clearly depict the purpose of the Kaaba, namely that it was to be a place of worship, that it was pure and
And it was to this sacred place, the
Holy Kaaba, that Providence led Fatima the mother of Hazrat Ali (A.S.). She felt weighed down by intense pain when Ali was
due to be born. She knelt to pray, and when she raised her head from her prostration, the wall of the Kaaba split as if by
a miracle, to admit her within, and the portion of the wall returned to its normal position. The Kaaba was sealed with Fatima
inside. Had it not been the Will of God, such a thing could never have happened.
The news spread like wildfire all
over Mecca. The keys of the Kaaba were brought to unlock the door, but all efforts ended in failure.
On the third day of this happening,
with awe, the wonder struck crowds surrounding the Kaaba witnessed the lock of the door falling of its own accord, and to
their surprise, Fatima emerged radiant from the sacred premises, cheerfully holding her new-born babe in her arms.
Yet another surprise awaited them,
that Muhammad was waiting to receive her and her newly born child, and the first face the little Ali saw in this world was
the smiling face of the Holy Prophet of Islam whom he greeted thus:
"Assalamo alaika ya Rasoolallah" (Peace
be upon thee O Prophet of Allah). Thus it is an undisputed fact that Ali was born a Muslim and his first words testified to
the Prophet hood of Muhammad. Muhammad lovingly took him into his arms. Ali's first bath after his birth was given by the
Holy Prophet, with a prediction that this child would give him his last bath. This prophecy was fulfilled on the death of
Muhammad (S.A.W).
Ali accepted no other food than the
moisture of Mohammed's tongue, which he sucked for several days after his birth. Muhammad fondled him in his lap in his infancy,
and chewed his food and fed Ali on it. He often made Ali sleep by his side, and Ali enjoyed the warmth of Mohammed's body
and inhaled the holy fragrance of his breath.
Ali has been described as having been
found like a priceless pearl in the shell of the Kaaba, or a sword in the sheath of Allah's House, or as a lamp found in Allah's
Abode shedding Light all around.
The sanctified birth of Ali, as that
of Prophet Muhammad was foretold in the Scriptures, when God said to Abraham, who asked for a blessing on Ishmael; "And as
for Ishmael, I have heard thee: Behold I have blessed him and will make him fruitful, and will multiply him exceedingly, twelve
princes shall be beget, and I will make him a great nation." (Genesis 17:20)
The felicitous Prophecy in Genesis
17:20 about the advent of a Prophet is said to point to the appearance of Muhammad and to Ali as the first of the twelve princes
who are none other than the Twelve Imams.
Hazrat Ali's birth in the Kaaba is
unique, for this is the only known occasion on which a child was born within the precincts of the Holy place ever since its
foundation thousands of years ago.
When the lovers of Hazrat Ali go for
Hajj and Umra, they always remember his birth in the Kaaba and whilst making the Tawaf (the Ritual Circling of the Holy Kaaba),
they feel proud and happy that Ali's name is linked with the House of God, and at every circuit they look towards the wall
which had split in two to allow Ali's mother to enter the Sacred Premises. This particular place is known as 'MUSTAJAR', and
here a special ritual is highly recommended.
The entire body with the cheek and
the stomach are to be brought into full contact with the wall and in this position; the worshipper with palms open should
seek forgiveness and ask God for his righteous desires and for the removal of difficulties. The following supplication supplication
should be recited: "O God! This House is your House and this person is your slave and this place (Mustajar) is that place
from where forgiveness of sins and safety from the fire of Hell are obtained."