A hadith of eighth Imam Hazrat Ali Bin Moosa Al-Raza (AS) as quoted in Biharul Anwar Volume 78, says that the intellect
of a Muslim does not mature & complete until he has ten qualities:
- Benevolence & benefaction be expected & hoped from him ...
- And people be secure & peaceful from his evil doing ...
- He considers the small amount of benefaction from others as abundant & plentiful ...
- And takes plenty of his own benevolence & goodness to be a meager amount of it ...
- He does not get tired & exhausted by the demands & requirement asked to be fulfilled ...
- He does not get fatigued & restless from seeking knowledge for all the length of his life ...
- He loves poverty more than the plentiful ness & affluence, on the course of Allah ...
- And he loves disgrace & abjectness of the way of Allah more than the honour on the course
of His enemy ...
- And anonymity is more liked by him than fame ...
- Then he (A.S) said: "The tenth one & what is the tenth?"
- The person asked him (A.S.) "What is that?" Imam (A.S.) reflected, "He does not see
a person but that he says 'He is better & more pious than myself.'"
Hazrat Imam Husayn a.s says,
Do practice like the person who knows that he would be seized & held for committing
crime & rewarded for good deed.
[ Bihar-ul-Anwar; vol 78 , P-127 ]
Hazrat Imam Husayn a.s Says,
Sitting with the intelligent is a sign of successfulness. Disputation with other than the disbelievers
is a sign of ignorance. A sign of a scholar is his self-criticism of his sayings and his acquaintance with the various hypotheses.
Hazrat Imam Husayn a.s says,
When other people turn to you in need, consider
it a favor of Allah. Do not be wearied of this favor, or it will move on to someone else.
Hazrat Imam Husayn a.s says,
Remember ! Your souls have no value less than
the paradise ; do not sell them cheaper .
Hazrat Imam Husayn a.s says,
The one who lacked & missed You
[Allah] what did he find ? And what is it that he lacks, the one who finds You [Allah] ? certainly, the one who got pleased
& inclined towards other than You [Allah], came to nothingness (failed).
[ Prayer of Arfa Day 9th
Zil Hija] [Bihar-ul-Anwar; vol 98 , P-228 ]
Hazrat Imam Husayn a.s says,
Aiding ( others ) is ( a sign of ) truthfulness .
[ History of Yakoobi , Vol . 2 , Najaf prees , P . 246 , line 9 ]
Click here Fatimah Al-Masomah (p) and decorum of performing her ziyarah